
Reference Title Prepared by Scope Comments Other documents
JIU/REP/86/7 Publications of the International Court of Justice Ferrer Vieyra, Mr. Enrique Single organization
JIU/REP/1986/6 Cash management in the United Nations and four specialized agencies (FAO, ILO, UNESCO, WHO) Schumm, Mr. Siegfried Several Organizations ACC comments
JIU/REP/86/5 Management of interpretation services in the United Nations system Efimov, Mr. Alexander S. , Schumm, Mr. Siegfried System-wide
JIU/REP/86/4 Report on technical co-operation activities of the International Telecommunication Union Martohadinegoro, Mr. Kahono Single organization
JIU/REP/86/3 Co-operation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States Ibrahim, Mr. M. Salah E. , Kaddour, Mr. Nasser, Khalifa, Mr. Moustapha Ould Several Organizations
JIU/REP/86/2 Role of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Africa Williams, Mr. Norman Single organization
JIU/REP/86/11 Review of UNICEF activities and structures Gourdon, Mr. Alain Single organization
JIU/REP/86/1 Field representation of organizations of the United Nations system: Structure and co-ordination Forde, Mr. Alfred Nathaniel, Sohm, Mr. Earl System-wide ACC comments
Reference Title Prepared by Scope Comments Other documents
JIU/REP/85/9 Some reflections on reform of the United Nations Bertrand, Mr. Maurice Single organization ACC comments
JIU/REP/85/8 Follow-up report on staff costs in the United Nations Secretariat Efimov, Mr. Alexander S. , Kaddour, Mr. Nasser Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/85/7 Medium-term plan of recruitment, 1983-1985: Problems of implementation Efimov, Mr. Alexander S. , Kaddour, Mr. Nasser Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/85/6 United Nations technical co-operation in Central America and the Caribbean. Volume II. Caribbean Kaddour, Mr. Nasser, Williams, Mr. Norman Several Organizations Comments
JIU/REP/85/5 Contribution of the United Nations system organizations to the conservation and management of cultural and natural heritage in Africa Ibrahim, Mr. M. Salah E. System-wide
JIU/REP/85/4 Report on the United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa Khalifa, Mr. Moustapha Ould Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/85/3 United Nations development system support to the implementation of the Buenos Aires plan of action on technical co-operation among developing countries Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko Several Organizations ACC comments
JIU/REP/85/2 The changing use of computers in organizations of the United Nations system in Geneva: Management issues Sohm, Mr. Earl System-wide
JIU/REP/85/13 Follow-up report on organization and methods for official travel Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko System-wide
JIU/REP/85/12 The location of United Nations Information Centres (UNICs) Forde, Mr. Alfred Nathaniel Single organization
JIU/REP/85/11 Third report on evaluation in the United Nations system: Integration and use Sohm, Mr. Earl System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/85/10 Status of internal evaluation in organizations of the United Nations system Sohm, Mr. Earl System-wide
JIU/REP/85/1 Report on the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Forde, Mr. Alfred Nathaniel, Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko Single organization UN comments
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JIU/REP/84/9 The International Atomic Energy Agency's technical co-operation Ibrahim, Mr. M. Salah E. Single organization
JIU/REP/84/8 Report on personnel problems in the World Food Programme (WFP) Bertrand, Mr. Maurice Single organization
JIU/REP/84/7 Reporting to the Economic and Social Council Bertrand, Mr. Maurice System-wide UN comments
JIU/REP/84/6 Office of Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters Allen, Mr. Mark, Sohm, Mr. Earl Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/84/5 Publications policy and practice in the United Nations system Allen, Mr. Mark, Forde, Mr. Alfred Nathaniel, Khalifa, Mr. Moustapha Ould System-wide ACC comments UN comments
JIU/REP/84/4 International Maritime Organization (IMO) Allen, Mr. Mark, Sohm, Mr. Earl Single organization
JIU/REP/84/3 Recruitment policy and its application in ILO Efimov, Mr. Alexander S. , Kaddour, Mr. Nasser, Williams, Mr. Norman Single organization
JIU/REP/84/2 Report on ILO Social Security Major Programme 110 Williams, Mr. Norman Single organization
JIU/REP/84/16 Drug abuse control activities in the United Nations system Allen, Mr. Mark, Sohm, Mr. Earl System-wide Comments
JIU/REP/84/15 Role of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in South-East Asia (1979-1983) Williams, Mr. Norman Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/84/14 United Nations technical co-operation in Central America and the Caribbean. Volume I. Central America Kaddour, Mr. Nasser, Williams, Mr. Norman Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/84/12 Staff costs and some aspects of utilization of human and financial resources in the United Nations Secretariat Efimov, Mr. Alexander S. , Kaddour, Mr. Nasser Single organization UN comments Corrigendum
JIU/REP/84/11 Report on competitive examinations in the United Nations Bertrand, Mr. Maurice Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/84/10 Common services of United Nations organizations at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) Efimov, Mr. Alexander S. , Sohm, Mr. Earl, Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/84/1 Co-operation between and management of libraries of the United Nations system Efimov, Mr. Alexander S. , Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko System-wide ACC comments UN comments
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JIU/REP/83/9 Office for Projects Execution of the United Nations Development Programme (OPE) Allen, Mr. Mark, Forde, Mr. Alfred Nathaniel Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/83/8 Report on UMRWA Single organization UN comments UNRWA comments
JIU/REP/83/7 United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs Allen, Mr. Mark, Sohm, Mr. Earl, Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/83/6 Second report on the elaboration of regulations for the planning, programming and evaluation cycle of the United Nations Bertrand, Mr. Maurice Single organization
JIU/REP/83/5 Evaluation system of the United Nations Development Programme Sohm, Mr. Earl Single organization
JIU/REP/83/4 Field offices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Rodriguez-Arias, Mr. Julio C. , Sohm, Mr. Earl Single organization
JIU/REP/83/3 Progress report on the implementation of recommendations on regional programmes in the conservation and management of African wildlife Hutagalung, Mr. Toman , Sawe, Mr. Joseph A. Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/83/2 United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development Allen, Mr. Mark, Sohm, Mr. Earl, Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/83/10 Contribution of the United Nations system to conservation and management of cultural and natural heritage in Asia and the Pacific Hutagalung, Mr. Toman , Sawe, Mr. Joseph A. System-wide UN comments
JIU/REP/83/1 Activities of the United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office (UNSO). Programming, identification, formulation and supervision of execution of projects search for financing Khalifa, Mr. Moustapha Ould Single organization UN comments
Reference Title Prepared by Scope Comments Other documents
JIU/REP/82/9 Application of the principle of equitable geographical distribution of the staff of the United Nations Secretariat (Addendum) Bryntsev, Mr. Аlexander S. , Sawe, Mr. Joseph A., Sibahi, Mr. Zakaria Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/82/8 Use of consultants and experts in the United Nations (Progress Report) Bryntsev, Mr. Аlexander S. , Sawe, Mr. Joseph A. Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/82/7 Organization and methods for official travel Vukovic, Mr. Miljenko System-wide UN comments
JIU/REP/82/6 Communications in the United Nations system Forde, Mr. Alfred Nathaniel, Sohm, Mr. Earl System-wide ACC comments UN comments