Strategic Framework

Revised strategic framework of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2020–2029 and midpoint assessment for 2020–2024 click here for the PDF version


Strategic Framework 2020-2029 (click here for the PDF version)

In its resolution 73/287, the General Assembly looked forward to the presentation by the Unit of its medium- and long-term strategic framework for the period from 2020 to 2029. The strategic framework presented in the present annex succeeds the strategic framework for the period from 2010 to 2019, which had been presented to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.

As encouraged by the General Assembly, its formulation was informed by conclusions drawn from the implementation of the strategic framework from 2010 to 2019 (the results achieved can be found in appendix 2) and from the insights garnered in various contexts from participating organizations and Member States.

The present strategic framework rests on the foundation of the Statute of the Joint Inspection Unit, contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 31/192, notably its chapter III, which defines the Unit’s functions, powers and responsibilities. It reflects General Assembly resolutions 70/257, 71/281, 72/269 and 73/287, in which the Assembly stressed the importance of the oversight functions of the Unit in identifying concrete managerial, administrative and programming questions within the participating organizations and providing the General Assembly and other legislative organs of participating organizations with practical and action-oriented recommendations to improve and strengthen the governance of the United Nations as a whole. The Assembly also recognized the need to continue to enhance the impact of the Unit on the management efficiency and transparency of the participating organizations and to make suggestions within the United Nations system.

The strategic framework reflects the need expressed by the General Assembly in its resolution 73/287 to consider the dynamics and challenges of the environment in which the Unit undertakes its activities and to focus its programme of work on the priority areas of the participating organizations and the Member States of the organizations in the United Nations system. The implementation of the Joint Inspection Unit’s strategic framework requires therefore that the Unit, while remaining within its mandate, be agile in aligning with the evolving needs and strategic priorities of legislative bodies and organizations.