
Reference Title Prepared by Scope Comments Other documents
JIU/REP/2000/2 The use of consultants in the United Nations Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Duque-Gonzalez, Mr. Armando , Kuyama, Mr. Sumihiro Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/2000/1 Administration of justice at the United Nations Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Hernández, Mr. Homero L. Single organization UN comments
Reference Title Prepared by Scope Comments Other documents
JIU/REP/1999/7 Policies and practices in the use of the services of private management consulting firms in the organizations of the United Nations system Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Hernández, Mr. Homero L. System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1999/6 Private sector involvement and cooperation with the United Nations system Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco, Ouedraogo, Mr. Louis Dominique System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1999/5 Use of contractual services to support established staff resources in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Duque-Gonzalez, Mr. Armando , Ouedraogo, Mr. Louis Dominique Single organization
JIU/REP/99/4 Review of management and administration in the International Labour Office Single organization ILO comments
JIU/REP/99/3 Results-based budgeting: The experience of United Nations system organizations Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Fox, Mr. John System-wide
JIU/REP/99/2 An evaluation of the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Hernández, Mr. Homero L. Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/99/1 Review of the Administrative Committee on Coordination and its machinery Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco, Othman, Mr. Khalil I. , Ouedraogo, Mr. Louis Dominique Single organization ACC comments
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JIU/REP/1998/5 United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS): Broader engagement with United Nations system organizations Fox, Mr. John, Münch, Mr. Wolfgang, Othman, Mr. Khalil I. Single organization ACC comments
JIU/REP/1998/4 United Nations system common services at Geneva. Part I: Overview of administrative Cooperation and Coordination Hernández, Mr. Homero L. , Quijano, Mr. Raúl Several Organizations
JIU/REP/1998/3 The United Nations University enhancing its relevance and effectiveness Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Kuyama, Mr. Sumihiro , Münch, Mr. Wolfgang Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/1998/2 More coherence for enhanced oversight in the United Nations system Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Fox, Mr. John, Kuyama, Mr. Sumihiro System-wide ACC comments Annex
JIU/REP/1998/1 Fellowships in the United Nations system Krasulin, Mr. Boris P. , Ouedraogo, Mr. Louis Dominique , Quijano, Mr. Raúl System-wide Corrigendum
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JIU/REP/1997/6 Training institutions in the United Nations system: Programmes and activities System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1997/5 The challenge of outsourcing for the United Nations system Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Fox, Mr. John System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1997/4 Coordination at headquarters and field level between United Nations agencies involved in peace-building: An assessment of possibilities Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Krasulin, Mr. Boris P. System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1997/3 Execution of humanitarian assistance programmes through implementing partners Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco System-wide
JIU/REP/1997/2 United Nations publications enhancing cost-effectiveness in implementing legislative mandates Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Kuyama, Mr. Sumihiro , Münch, Mr. Wolfgang Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/1997/1 Strengthening field representation of the United Nations system Othman, Mr. Khalil I. , Quijano, Mr. Raúl System-wide ACC comments
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JIU/REP/1996/7 Comparison of methods of calculating equitable geographical distribution within the United Nations common system Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Hernández, Mr. Homero L. System-wide UN comments
JIU/REP/1996/6 Inspection of the application of United Nations recruitment, placement, and promotion policies. Part II – Placement and promotions Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Hernández, Mr. Homero L. System-wide UN comments
JIU/REP/1996/5 Common services at United Nations headquarters Hernández, Mr. Homero L. , Quijano, Mr. Raúl Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/1996/4 Review of financial resources allocated by the United Nations system to activities by non-governmental organizations Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1996/3 Coordination of policy and programming frameworks for more effective development cooperation Kuyama, Mr. Sumihiro System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1996/2 Feasibility study on the relocation of UNITAR to the Turin Centre Single organization
JIU/REP/1996/1 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): Review of institutional and programme issues Hernández, Mr. Homero L. Single organization UN comments
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JIU/REP/1995/13 Strengthening of the United Nations system capacity for conflict prevention Hernández, Mr. Homero L. , Kuyama, Mr. Sumihiro System-wide ACC Comments
JIU/REP/1995/12 Evaluation of the United Nations New Agenda for the development of Africa in the 1990s (UN-NADAF): Towards a more operational approach? Kabongo, Mr. Tunsala , Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1995/11 Military Component of United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Hennes, Mr. Richard, Krasulin, Mr. Boris P. Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/1995/10 Travel in the United Nations: Issues of efficiency and cost savings Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Kuyama, Mr. Sumihiro System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1995/9 The involvement of the United Nations system in providing and coordinating humanitarian assistance Daes, Ms. Erica-Irene System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1995/8 Management in the United Nations: Work in progress Hennes, Mr. Richard Single organization
JIU/REP/1995/7 United nations system support for science and technology In Asia and the pacific Hernández, Mr. Homero L. , Kabongo, Mr. Tunsala Single organization ACC comments
JIU/REP/1995/6 Investigation of the relationship between humanitarian assistance and peace-keeping operations Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco Single organization
JIU/REP/1995/5 The advancement of women through and in the programmes of the United Nations system: what happens after the fourth world conference of women? Daes, Ms. Erica-Irene System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1995/4 Sharing responsibilities in peace-keeping: the United Nations and regional organizations Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Krasulin, Mr. Boris P. Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/1995/3 A review of telecommunications and Related information technologies in the united nations system Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco System-wide
JIU/REP/1995/2 Accountability, management improvement, and oversight in the United Nations, Part I – Overview and analysis Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Martohadinegoro, Mr. Kahono, Othman, Mr. Khalil I. System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1995/2 Accountability, management improvement, and oversight in the United Nations system, Part II – Comparative tables Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Hennes, Mr. Richard, Martohadinegoro, Mr. Kahono System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/1995/1 Inspection of the application of United Nations recruitment, placement, and promotion policies, Part I – Recruitment Bouayad-agha, Mr. Fatih , Hernández, Mr. Homero L. Single organization UN comments
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JIU/REP/94/9 National Execution of Projects Kabongo, Mr. Tunsala Several Organizations ACC comments
JIU/REP/94/8 United Nations System Common Premises and Services in the Field Quijano, Mr. Raúl Several Organizations ACC comments
JIU/REP/94/7 Staff turnover and delays in recruitment (the lapse factor) Quijano, Mr. Raúl System-wide
JIU/REP/94/6 Review and assessement of efforts to restructure the regional dimension of United Nations economic and social activities Martohadinegoro, Mr. Kahono Several Organizations UN comments
JIU/REP/94/5 Toward a new system of performance appraisal In the United Nations secretariat: Requirements for successful implementation Othman, Mr. Khalil I. System-wide
JIU/REP/94/4 Communication for development programmes in the United Nations system Mezzalama, Mr. Francesco System-wide ACC comments
JIU/REP/94/3 Advancement of the status of women In the United Nations secretariat In an era of "human resources management" and "accountability": A new beginning? Daes, Ms. Erica-Irene Single organization UN comments
JIU/REP/94/2 Regional presence of the International Telecommunication Union Abraszewski, Mr. Andrzej , Quijano, Mr. Raúl Single organization
JIU/REP/94/1 United Nations system support for science and technology in Africa Hernández, Mr. Homero L. , Kabongo, Mr. Tunsala System-wide ACC comments