Oversight and Coordination Bodies
The Unit coordinates regularly with other United Nations oversight and coordination bodies, including the Board of Auditors (BoA) and the United Nation's Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), to avoid duplications and overlaps in oversight work, and minimize gaps in coverage. JIU takes part in annual “tripartite” meetings with the BoA and OIOS senior representatives to discuss oversight coordination. It also holds bilateral ad hoc meetings at working level, with these entities, to plan and coordinate respective work programmes, and also share experiences, knowledge, best practices and lessons learned. The Unit also meets on a regular basis with the United Nations Independent Audit Adivsory Committee (IAAC).
Moreover, JIU has worked on fostering relations with other relevant United Nations system oversight and coordination bodies. It works in contact with the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Secretariat; the Chairpersons of its High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) and High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP); the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ); and the Committee for Programme and Coordination of the United Nations (CPC).
The Unit also participates as an observer, in several professional audit, evaluation and investigation forums, including the:
- Representatives of Internal Audit Services of the United Nations Organizations and Multilateral Financial Institutions (RIAS)
- United Nations Evaluations Group (UNEG)
- Conference of Investigators of United Nations Organizations