Reports & Notes
According to its statute, the Unit conducts independent system-wide evaluations, inspections and investigations related to the management by secretariats of human, financial and other resources. Evaluations and inspections aim at enhancing the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations system, and at achieving greater coordination between organizations. The Unit may issue reports, notes or management/confidential letters. The site provides access to all JIU reports and notes issued since 1968 (items from 1968-1992 were digitized in cooperation with the UNOG Library).
The topics of evaluations and inspections undertaken are defined in the Unit’s annual programme of work, after a thorough screening and validation of external proposals and internal suggestions, which takes into account the work done and planned by other oversight bodies, resource implications, the topics’ timeliness for consideration by governing bodies and other recipients, as well as their potential to improve effectiveness, efficiency, coordination and cooperation in the United Nations system.
Reports can focus on the United Nations system as a whole or on one or more organization(s) specifically. After being submitted to the executive heads of the JIU participating organizations, reports are presented by the Inspector(s) to the competent legislative and governing bodies for their consideration and follow-up. Notes and management/confidential letters are addressed and submitted to concerned executive heads of the organizations. Each report is issued under the responsibility of the author and the co-authors.
Related documents include the public comments on JIU reports, notes and management letters transmitted by the executive heads of the participating organizations concerned to their competent organs for their consideration of the JIU reports and recommendations, as well as any other relevant information related to JIU reports and notes, such as unpublished annexes and presentation statements of reports by the Inspectors.
The comments presented include the CEB comments on JIU system-wide reports, as well as organizations’ comments on relevant single or multiple organizations’ reviews. Once the competent organs have examined these comments, executive heads of organizations concerned should ensure that the recommendations, which have been accepted by the competent organs, are implemented as quickly as possible (see articles 11 & 12 of the JIU statute).