
Interview of Inspector Carolina Fernández Opazo

Date: 20 January 2022

Please say a few words about "who you were" in your professional life before joining the JIU?

Before joining the Joint Inspection Unit, I held various positions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country, Mexico, all in the multilateral arena for around 25 years. Here, I served the Ministry in its administrative and budgetary affairs especially in the United Nations division. In the past 15 years, I assumed the functions of Director and then Coordinator for the planning and financial affairs in the Directorate General for the United Nations. I administered the budgetary, administrative and financial issues in the UN system, including Mexico’s membership to 246 other international organizations. In this function, I was responsible for the national position regarding financial and budgetary issues of at least 54 of such international organizations.

By joining the JIU, I look forward to a change in the nature of my work and the pace, as well as a positive change for me and my family.

The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system elects its Chair and Vice-Chair for 2022 and adopts its programme of work

The Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) concluded the second part of its Winter Session on 11 January 2022.  In the first part of the Winter Session, the Inspectors elected Inspector Gopinathan Achamkulangare (India) as Chair and Inspector Tesfa Alem Seyoum (Eritrea) as Vice-Chair of the Unit for 2022. The Unit also adopted its programme of work for 2022 which includes five system-wide projects and the review of management and administration in one of its participating organizations. The programme of work will be presented to the General Assembly at its first resumed seventy-sixth session this year.

JIU and DMSPC co-host event on Cybersecurity

The event centered on the JIU report on  “Cybersecurity in the United Nations system organizations” JIU/REP/2021/3 (

The Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) together with the United Nations Secretariat organized an event to discuss the findings of the JIU report on cybersecurity with United Nations system organizations. The event took place on the 4th of November and was chaired by JIU Inspector Jorge Flores Callejas, Chair of the JIU. Remarks were also given by the Under-Secretary-General for Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance Ms. Catherine Pollard who said:

“The increased interconnectedness and interdependence of systems and data calls for an approach that recognizes cybersecurity risks as a cross-cutting and collective issue that cannot be addressed in isolation.

Cybersecurity in the United Nations system organizations (JIU/REP/2021/3)

In today’s digitalized world, cybersecurity has emerged as a matter of importance for international organizations, and the United Nations is no exception. The Joint Inspection Unit released its report on cybersecurity in the United Nations system organizations observing significant differences in the approach the participating organizations have taken in their respective responses to cybersecurity threats and in the maturity of their cybersecurity frameworks. Not intended as a technical assessment of the operational arrangements in place across the organizations, the report identifies a series of elements likely to improve the corporate cybersecurity posture of the United Nations system organizations and their capacity to identify, prevent and detect cyberthreats, as well as to respond to and recover from incidents.

Review of United Nations system support for landlocked developing countries to implement the Vienna Programme of Action (JIU/REP/2021/2)

The present report assesses the challenges, opportunities, good practices and lessons learned in the work of UN system organizations to support the 32 landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) to address their lack of access to the sea, remoteness and isolation from international markets, through the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) during its first five years.

The review found that UN system entities cover all the priority areas of the VPoA, to varying degrees, and in ways that are complementary to their mandates and capacities. They do so with a focus on soft assistance, through measures that tap into their expertise in normative work, knowledge development, capacity development and convening power.

JIU engages in a dialogue with the executives of its participating organizations

Following the periodic meeting with the management committee of the United Nations Secretariat since July 2021, JIU initiated a series of high-level meetings with the heads of its participating organizations. The JIU bureau composed of Inspector Flores Callejas as chair and Inspector Roscher as vice-chair met the executive heads and other officials of ILO, ITU, UNOG, WHO, WIPO and WMO to discuss interactions between the Unit and the organizations. The cooperation shown by participating organizations, their support in data collection such as responding to questionnaires together with the effort made in facilitating interactions, of particular relevance since COVID-19 outbreak, were acknowledged and praised by JIU as an essential aspect of the oversight work conducted by the Unit.

Review of management and administration in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (JIU/REP/2021/1)

Established in 1950 as a successor of the International Meteorological Organization, WMO recognizes the need to continuously adapt to a rapidly changing world. The need for regular reform is driven by environmental degradation, resource constraints, increased competition and scientific and technical advances. WMO also sees the need to enhance wider engagement of all its Member States and Territories, private and academic sectors, the science community and partner organizations.

Interview of Inspector Tesfa Seyoum

Date: 1 April 2021

Please say a few words about “who you were” in your professional life before joining the JIU

A large part of my career resides within the United Nations, where I served in various roles for 27 years. I was a delegate of my country, Eritrea, at the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York for 21 years and served on the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) for 6 years. Now, I am elected by the UN General Assembly to serve at the JIU for the next five years. In a way you could say that the UN is in me and I am in the UN. Before that, I worked as the Executive Director of a humanitarian organization, assisting victims of wars and famine in the Horn of Africa for 10 years. I was also Accounts and Budget Analyst for the Africa Region with an international NGO based in Nairobi, Kenya, for 5 years in the early years of my career.

Blockchain applications in the United Nations system: towards a state of readiness (JIU/REP/2020/7)

The report intends to provide a contribution to the collective efforts triggered by recent overarching strategies on new technologies and the future of work, which address the issue of innovation and the use of digital technologies by the United Nations system in an action-oriented approach.

Blockchain is among the technologies whose interaction and blending of physical, digital and biological systems define the profile of the fourth industrial revolution. Although the technology is still young, weighing the trade-offs and determining regulatory action and operational frameworks should be a subject for multi-stakeholder dialogues, including in the United Nations system. The 2030 Agenda and the strategic calls for innovation that have followed it prompted some organizations to take the lead and pilot blockchain applications, mostly for operational activities. 

Interview of Inspector Victor Moraru

Date: 17 March 2021


Please say a few words about “who you were” in your professional life before joining the JIU?

I have an extensive work experience in the field of multilateral affairs, with a focus on United Nations activities and programmes. During my diplomatic career, I served as Moldova’s representative to various legislative, functional and subsidiary organs of the United Nations system organisations, including bodies concerned with coordination, evaluation and budgetary matters. Over the years, I participated in many specialised meetings and debates, including on various reform proposals aimed at improving organizational effectiveness, accountability and the UN system-wide coherence with a view to support the implementation of UN global agreements and mandates.

Interview of Inspector Jesús Miranda-Hita

Date: 9 March 2021 


Please say a few words about "who you were" in your professional life before joining the JIU?  

I worked for 38 years in the Spanish Administration, in a wide variety of roles, including executive, political and, during the last nine years, control and supervisory functions, as an Inspector of Services of Economy and Finance. To put it briefly, I can say that I am very used to studying and transforming organizations, leading people, designing and drafting policies, budgets and regulations and rules, and measuring results. 

Review of mainstreaming environmental sustainability across organizations of the United Nations system (JIU/REP/2020/8)

The current context provides an opportunity for the United Nations organizations to reimagine the system by making their policies, practices and operations, including internal management, environmentally sustainable. They should move away from advocacy practices aimed merely at raising awareness and should instead assume responsibility for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development within their operations and activities. They should fully seize the opportunities arising from the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic for serious digitalization and resource footprint reduction, including in the realm of travel. 

The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system elects its Chair and Vice-Chair for 2021 and adopts its programme of work

The Inspectors of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) on 12 January elected Inspector Jorge Flores Callejas (Honduras) as Chair and Inspector Gönke Roscher (Germany) as Vice-Chair of the Unit for 2021. The Unit also adopted its programme of work for 2021 at its resumed Winter Session. The programme of work includes five system-wide projects and the reviews of management and administration in two of its participating organizations and will be presented to the General Assembly at its seventy-fifth resumed session later this year.

Farewell to three Inspectors leaving the Unit

December 2020 marked the departure of Ms. Aicha Afifi (Morocco), Mr. Petru Dumitriu (Romania) and Mr. Jeremiah Kramer (Canada), who served the Joint Inspections Unit for a five-year term since 2016.

JIU/REP/2020/6 Multilingualism in the United Nations

Multilingualism is both an asset and a shared commitment for all organizations in the United Nations system. Multilingualism is critical for the governance of the organizations in the United Nations system, but also for reaching out to its mandate beneficiaries, the peoples of its Member States.

JIU/REP/2020/5 Enterprise risk management: approaches and uses in United Nations system organizations

Enterprise risk management (ERM) has its roots in the private sector and has value in all sectors, including United Nations system entities. United Nations system organizations are exposed to a myriad of risks while delivering on their mandates –– from fraud and corruption, reputational risks and cybercrime to risks of a political nature, natural and human-made disasters. In its resolution 61/245, the General Assembly endorsed the adoption of ERM in the United Nations system to enhance governance and oversight.


JIU/REP/2020/3 Common premises in the United Nations system: current practices and future prospects

This review examines progress achieved in developing common premises in countries where United Nations country teams operate. It identifies barriers to progress and recommends a range of measures to enable the efficiency and other gains common premises have been intended for, as well as a more far-reaching transformation of the management of the United Nations system’s extensive real estate portfolio in the field.

JIU/REP/2020/1 Review of the state of the investigation function: progress made in the United Nations system organizations in strengthening the investigation function

The report assesses the current state of the investigation function in the United Nations system organizations and the progress made in strengthening the function since the last JIU reports of 2000 and 2010 on the same topic, in particular the distribution of responsibilities for investigations and organizational set-up of the function, its level of independence, investigation capacity and resourcing, as well as system-wide coherence and cooperation.

JIU/REP/2019/9 Review of contemporary practices in the external outsourcing of services to commercial service providers by United Nations system organizations

The present report assesses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of utilizing the option of external outsourcing to commercial service providers, outlines the existing enabling legislation and policy in this realm, and provides a tool-kit for organizations to improve how such outsourcing is conducted and managed. The topic is being reviewed by the JIU after 17 years, following a proposal from the United Nations Secretariat.

JIU releases its annual report for 2019 and programme of work for 2020 to the UN General Assembly (A/74/34)

Inspector Eileen A. Cronin, Chair, and Inspector Keiko Kamioka, Vice-Chair of the JIU for 2020, are pleased to share the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) 2019 annual report and 2020 programme of work.