The JIU is pleased to announce that the findings and conclusions of the review of Management and administration in the FAO were presented by Inspector Carolina Maria Fernández Opazo at the FAO Finance Committee on May 23rd 2024.

The Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) is pleased to announce that the findings and conclusions of the review of Management and administration in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) were presented by Inspector Carolina Maria Fernández Opazo at the FAO Finance Committee on May 23rd 2024. The relevant interaction lasted 3 hours and was structured as follows:

i.    Presentation by JIU of the FAO-MAR; 
ii.    Presentation by FAO of management response to JIU report;
iii.    Questions and answers by Finance Committee members; 
iv.    Second round of questions and answers; and
v.    Discussion and acceptance of text regarding JIU FAO-MAR and management response for inclusion in Finance Committee draft report. 

Questions from the Finance Committee centered around recommendations 3  and 7 , the current mechanisms for accepting and implementing recommendations, and the difference between formal and informal recommendations. The discussions resulted in  the Committee preparing text which pays close attention to the acceptance process and the follow up of implementation to both formal and informal recommendations. 

In an effort to provide further clarifications and capture the perspectives and views on the report recommendations, Inspector Fernández Opazo also briefed Permanent Representatives on May 28th 2024. The inquiries made by Member States were mainly centered around the JIU methodology and procedures: differences between formal and informal recommendations; tracking of the implementation of recommendations; JIU mandate and expectations when addressing recommendations to governing bodies/legislative organs; cross-referencing between JIU reports; methodology for establishing JIU implementation timeline. 

Other questions covered the recommendations that touch upon field presence; technical cooperation; regional conferences; independence of the Inspector General and the Office of Evaluation; as well as the legal basis for recommendation 3 and changes to the Basic Texts. 
The review contains ten recommendations, of which six are addressed to the Council and four to the Director-General for action. There are also 34 informal recommendations aimed at improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of FAO.
The review was part of the programme of work of JIU for 2023, and was prepared by Inspectors Carolina Maria Fernández Opazo, Pavel Chernikov and Conrod Hunte.

Access the full report JIU/REP/2023/5 here.
Access the review highlights here.