المجالات الموضوعية
هذه المعلومات متوفرة باللغة الانجليزية فقط
Over the years, the Unit has contributed to several areas of work within the United Nations system with the objective to enhance management and administrative efficiency and to promote greater coordination among the United Nations organizations. Some of the key focus points have included executive management and other administrative matters (travel, procurement, common and shared services, etc.), human resource management, strategic planning and oversight. Often JIU has developed benchmarks that helped the organizations to design or update their own management framework by reference to good practices in the system (results-based management, public information and communications, risk management, etc.). The JIU recommendations have also supported senior management teams of the UN organizations in their action to develop or review strategies and policies (knowledge management, public information and communications, information technology governance, multilingualism, etc.)
This section reflects upon the Unit’s accomplishments in some of these key areas.